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Our Projects

CD31488 Runx1 cy3 by Brian.tiff


The developmental pathways of fetal-derived B cells

Our recent data indicate that not only innate-like B-1a cells but also a port of adaptive immune B-2 cells are derived from endothelial cells independently of HSCs. We utilize lineage tracing and barcoding mouse models to determine the developmental pathways of these B cells.


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Hematopoietic Stem Cell Development

We are trying to understand the molecular mechanisms through which the first HSCs are produced from hemogenic endothelial cells in the mouse embryos, using various lineage tracing mouse models, transplantation assays, and single-cell RNA-sequencing

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The different roles of fetal-derived and HSC-derived lymphocytes


Our lineage tracing study revealed that there are fetal-derived and HSC-derived lymphocytes in adult mice. We will determine the different functions between these lymphocyte subsets.


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